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Friday, October 31, 2008
~ 7:27 PM ~
Yea i noe that I've not been updating for sometime. I've been too busy wif fan fiction. Anyway to day i went to the movies at PS wif Kendra. We decided to catch coffin but it was rather boring. Only two people go into the coffin to get bad luck removed and cheat death. Both their loved ones get killed. Then they keep seeing the ghost of their loved ones appearing. So yea. very boring.

halfway through the movie, Kendra got a nose bleed that lasted about 45 mins. Then got one fat man that took my Bottle of coffee that i brought from home. I mean WTFH. He can at least tell which is his bottle from mine right. Or was his eyes blocked. Anyway, it was a disposable bottle so watever. Kendra decided to buy a can (the large ones) from watsons but ended up leaving more than 3/4 of it on one of the food court tables.

So after lunch we quickly (or rather just Kendra) used the toilet then made our way for the movie. It was 15 of adds then 45mins before Kendra got a nose bleed. Then the movie ended and we walk around. Then kendra and i went separate ways home.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
~ 4:17 PM ~
So yesterday was the teach them young project. It swas strange to see all the 5-6 yr olds keeping so quiet and behaving so well.( wif the exception of 2 or three). It was kindda weird coz u were expecting micheivious kids that don't listen at all but they were so "guai". We went to good shepard kindergarten wif 6 kindness. lyk i predicted from ms yeo. Any way it would have been rather fun if it were not 4 a couple of annoying FREAKS that wouldn't shut up.

*sigh* why must god do this to me.

Saturday, October 25, 2008
~ 11:42 PM ~
So here i am, back @ the key board typing away. Well wat d'u expect me to do when ur stuck wif a couple of brats that are no older than 10 (which is my sis the other are my bro and his 2 friends who are no older than 7) so i decided to post. so sorry Kendra. this was a last minute thing arranged by my parents and u had most probably left 4 the movie so i didn't get a chance to call and tell u that i would not be @ home. 

So bored.....zzz. Must wake up @7 tmrw 4 that stupid living rosary thing. Dun feel lyk goin 4 it even though its during school hrs. too lazy to drag my lazy butt outta bed. (well not really coz i'm too lazy to do so every week and only end up waking up 15 mins before lessons begin) any way wats the point of going. they just yak about gods savin action (or was it god's savin grace?) and the only ones that bother to pay attention are... no one. Got home work, just refer too the text book. or call up a friend the night before if u dun have a text book. 

*sigh* can't wait 4 next weekend. Sunday school is officially gonna be the last lesson 4 the year. sadly i have 2 attend it till i graduate from sec school. the good news is u get credit even if u dun learn anything in the year. so u sit there and play wif ur hand fone or pass notes without the teacher knowing all year.  lol. we can nvr do tt @ our primary schools. anyway. there is a new blog coming out created by the penggy-kages. though i predicyt it will be smthing random coz their all freaks. (han wen: singing freak. Priya: naruto freak. Belle: warriors freak. Sherilyn:chocolate freak. angie: Freak of every thing) Aiya. go n check search if their blog is out yet. most probably it is. ican't believe wat i'm gonna do but... i'll take the plunge

~ 2:30 PM ~
Yea so its 3 days before the stupid teach them young project. And i really dun wanna do it. *sigh* wats the point of teaching 5-6 yr olds about recycling when they are only gonna pay attention when theres a games and gifts. Stupid really. Any way, results are gonna be released in 1 month and in 1 week theres theory exam.

That was the bad news. The good news is that my parents won't be in town 4 6 days! yea. Can use oldest sibl sibling authority on them without getting in trouble. Any way, getting everything prepared is turing out to boring. and the malay is even more chen men in a way. Why did it have to be malay. why couldn't it be japanese or latin or smthing lyk that? More people would pay attention then. and actually learn smthing.

Friday, October 24, 2008
~ 7:04 PM ~
So... its one working day before the teach them young project. So to day me priya and Elim( who came out of kindness even though she was not in our group) went digging though the recycling bins 4 cans and bottles. We used a dust pan to get them out coz they were too low in the bin 4 us to get it out. The funny thing is we found 3 beer cans inside. Alcohol in a primary school. Thats illegal. Wah. so its ok to drink alcohol even if your underage. lol.

Esabella and angie went looking in the empty p4 class rooms and found a trash bag which we used to put all the bottles and cans. When we went back to class we found a lizard whose head had decomposed in the bag. It was fun to watch all the girls coming up hesitantly to see the lizard. Lolz. GTG post tmrw

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
~ 2:41 PM ~
So I'm back at school 2day. Finally. Get to go back after a week of boredom @ home. But....I should have though twice. Sigh. Kendra was not in school today. She went for the stupid financial literacy thing @ orchid park Sec...i think. So i had to endure 6 hours of pri and belle talking corrupted nonsense. Usually i look forward to any reason get away. But sadly to day there was none.

Then we had to do that stupid teach them young project. Treading string through STYROFOAM CUPS!!!!! Damn it. thats was so damn difficult. plastic, Ok. Papaer, Ok. But styrofoam. No. Too much too ask for. Takes more than 5 mins to thread 1 cup. imagine doing it for one set (2 cups). The SS quiz that we did was also quite easy. Not too difficult. I can score my A in it. Hope the rest of the people reading my blog can score their A's too. Post later. GTG.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
~ 6:47 PM ~
Finally something worth posting about again. @ day Dra and I went to the library in toa payoh. Its was a good 27 bus stops away from my house. I was planning on leaving the house @ 1.15 so that i could reach there by 2 which was our planned time. But... just as i was about to leave the house, my mom called up and told me not to leave the house until she got back from the super market coz she didn't wanna leave my sis alone @ home.

So i only ended up leaving the house @ 1.30 and the stupid bus 139 only arrived @ 1.50! so i was late by 30 mins. Dra kept calling up to ask where i was and if i took the wrong bus. I arrived there and the minute i stepped into the interchange , dra came running up to me and demanded( in a you-owe-me an-explanation-for-being-late way)to know why i was late.

Then her mom took us too the library while Dra ate her bread from bread talk. We first ended up looking around the 1st floor( the library has 3 floors) and stumbled in to grace(Dra's friend). 5mins l8er we realised we were @ the kids section and decided to go 1 floor up to see if that was the teen section.

We were wrong. it was the adult section. we Didn't know that @ first so Dra and i walked to the end of the room and came too the multi-purpose room. She kept trying to see wat was inside while i was looking around for the main staircase. Then a librarian came up to Dra and asked her wat she wanted. Then i asked her where the teen section was. She told us it was on the 3rd floor.

Dra tried to secretly eat her bread while climbing the stairs. Then we finally reached the teen section. We spent bout 15 mins looking @ Malcolm rose books then we decided to start on her project(teach them young). Dra started to cut out the circles of card board while i did my piano HW. But Dra ended up breaking both mine and her scissors luckily she had another one and the girl sitting opposite us lent us hers. I think we must have been disturbing her with our chatter.

After bout 20 mins, i grew tired of my piano and started helping Dra wif her project. It was annoying cutting out the circles then cutting out orange paper cirlces to stick on them @ 1st. but then i got used to it. we finished all the cutting and pasting @ bout 4.30. Dra spent the rest of her time reading and i spent it finishing up my piano work.

Then we went down to borrow the books and Dra was having a problem deciding which book to not borrow so that she could borrow the traces books. In the end she printed three recipts. On the way back to the interchange Dra kept stopping to look @ cheap cakes and bread but then she decided to buy fish ball in the end. her mom was quite angry when we reached there.

We boared the bus then went off. Dra got got off a few stops l8er. then i went home by myself. yea i noe i'm very long winded. 8 paras. lolz. Remeber to tag.

Monday, October 20, 2008
~ 5:51 PM ~
OK...so I'm back to posting here again. I feel miserable and bored and depressed. I've given up trying to be emo. after all, no one can completely rid themselves of emotions. I'm meeting up with Kendra tmrw @ the library to help her with her teach them young project. Yea i noe i should focus on my own one instead. But...who the hell cares. *sigh* I'm tired of posting every day when no body's gonna even read. But then again wat else is there to do? No one tags anymore. I've given up. I'm not very sociable. Post tmrw

Sunday, October 19, 2008
~ 6:23 PM ~
So i finally figured out what to do. Draw, go to the library. Go home. Draw. Post.Chat. Sleep. Yea very interesting schedule. Not. So..... I'm thinking about not updating until next week. Or @ least until smthing interesting happens. Wth this was supposed to be fun after PSLE instead its even more borimg. i guess we were so occupied with studying that we did not have any time for fun. lolz. So remember to tag .

Saturday, October 18, 2008
~ 5:11 PM ~
Ok... Tired of saying now what do i do. So new question:why doesn't any one tag anymore?? I can forgive Jingyi coz shes not in town but why doesn't anyone wanna tag?? I feel so lonely and left out *sigh* school is even more boring now days. *sigh* i need to stop posting this over and over again. lolz. Post later.

Friday, October 17, 2008
~ 2:51 PM ~
Back again to post. Actually i was thinking about not posting to day but i had nothing better to do so here i am. well nothing better to do. Nan Dzuki geki iza? Watashi tezawari dakara nemui he urei. I'm so bored that i've taken to writting in japanese. Ai ya. Even posting now is no more fun. Wah liao. Kendra is @ camp and jingyi has gone to china. No more fun until Dra comes back from camp.

I guess now i'll post in Latin. Ita quisnam ut facio??? GTG post l8er.

Thursday, October 16, 2008
~ 11:27 AM ~
Hi and sorry for not posting yesterday. Busy. I'm boared and trying to download maple story. But can't. So pretty mad @ the moment. Add Some more pics tmrw. got problem with my computer. Feeling lyk typing random nonsense but tt would just be...not lyk me. So not gonna do that. Wat to do ? i guess i'll go to the library l8er. Jingyi just flew off about 2 n 1/2hrs ago. gonna miss her while she's gone. She better remember to tag and email.LOL Post later GTG.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
~ 8:57 PM ~
Can't think of AnY TitlE 4 ThiS EntrY so Now hERe I Am Back with mY daIly poSt. what tO do. veRy sIAn. iF U wANt mE 2 Stop tYPIng LyK tHIs jUst Tag mE n lEt Me nOe. CoMe BaCk TMRw 4 NexT POst

Monday, October 13, 2008
~ 5:24 PM ~
So Now what to dO. YeaH I'm boarEd So Tts wHy I'm TypInG Lyk thIs. Ai ya sO boarEd @ hoMe. Guess I'll puT uP More picS....
Here are some more images:

Sunday, October 12, 2008
~ 9:01 PM ~

*sigh* What to do now. stupid exams are driving me crazy. So boared. Here are a few images.

Saturday, October 11, 2008
~ 7:01 PM ~
Got piano exams in 3 weeks...Even more stressed out about this than PSLE. 74/100 is fail. Die already. Got so much work to do. Dun wanna think about that now. *sigh* Gonna fall asleep @ the key board soon. LOL. So now what do i do?no one taggs any more(except YJY). Boared of fanfiction.net and mangavolume.

must get used to trying smthing different. Zzz. Finally found a friend in patiencethat i thought i would never find due to their stuck up attitudes and girly-girl behaviour. Xin Yu has turned out to be one of my best friends. Well Gtg post later.

Friday, October 10, 2008
~ 11:03 PM ~
So 2day me and Dra when to the librarystright after school. Ate lunch @ school then walked to the library. Got to the library then search the online catalouge found some very interesting books. Finally an interesting day after so much boardom. @ about 3.45 Dra got hungry then we went to bugis 2 find smthing to eat. went looking round and round 4 the food court than finally found it.

After dra finished, we ended up on the other side of bugis and found out that there was a mcdonalds and starbucks and kfc down there. Felt rather stupid @ that moment. When we got back to the library we found Dra mom waiting there 4 her. Said our goodbyes then went home. meeting up again tmrw @ Cedar girls sec sch opening house. Maybe go PS next week.

Ai yo! Got to do tt 'teach them young' project. luckily im in the science group. Easiest to do with recycling as recycling is all about science. Dra not so lucky. Got into the math group. *Sigh* Probably meet up with Xin yu, Guo Jun n Yuling next week to try and complete the project in the library. Gonna be really diffcult with only 4 out of nine members that actually focus and not joke and play aroubd than have no more time to do the work. Getting late.Post tmrw.

(=' . '=)

Thursday, October 9, 2008
~ 5:46 PM ~
I though after PSLE life will be much more fun now that i don't have to focus on exams.but... its ten times more boaring than having to study for exams. What to do now? No one evers tags nowdays (except Jingyi). Got to learn to go out w/ friends more often instead of onli 3 times a year. *sigh* wish there was something to do. finished with the profile books. Just need to get out of the house. but go where. No interesting movies to watch.

Wanna sleep. is that the only interesting thing to do. Dun wanna think about next weekend when Kendra's away @camp. *sigh* Anything is better than being here. wish someone would send me emails or tag. so boaed that i've taken to try to draw manga but stopped after 2 frames cause i suck @ drawing. I think i'll go to the library everyday and become a nerd. LOL. Nah. sleep the whole day sounda better. Just hope the school keeps us occupied.

(=' . '=)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
~ 1:04 PM ~
The much dreaded PSLE is over!!! Yay. Can play on the computer all day. So decided to post Lyk i said i would. Nothing left to do is wat i thought... But we got more work 2 do now than in the whole year- teach them young, year book page...So on so forth.

Wanna sleep but can't fall asleep. Good luck to all my friends taking HMT tmrw. Wat to do now... Got any interesting websites to go to? Tried of reading FF.net. Put the addresses in my tag board. Gonna go complete profile Book now. Post later .

( ='.'= )

Saturday, October 4, 2008
~ 11:03 AM ~
So the first paper was yesterday. Much easier than i expected. Not good. Easier = higher average. Higher average= lower score. Die already. Just hope i get A 4 Chinese and A* 4 math and science. Can't wait until next Wednesday. PSLE is officially over.(4 those not taking higher MT) Next Thursday is a holiday 4 those not taking higher MT. Yippee! So I'll be able to post back again on either wed or Thurs.

Then Friday got excursion 2 health zone (watever tt is). Teachers still haven't given out consent forms. Then later they give out @ last minute and few girls get it signed and they start 2 scold us.

Got new saga in the class. Obsession with penguins. E.g: Penggy-gakure, penggy-kage and penguins can fly. i kinda preferred the old one. ( the bean bag was Gaaras sand shield and the broom was sasuke's chidori sword). Sometimes i wonder if Patience is really the best class coz there are many people crazier than those in Joy. Sigh wanna sleep.Dun wanna do test papers. Can die already.

Sigh.... Gotta go. Post later ( if i have any readers).

about me



CCA:Science clubRed Cross~

Lives:On earth



Books by Malcom rose and Darren Shan


Hanging out with my friends

Creating random crap with Priya and belle

Being a Red Cross-er
List of Wishes

My own laptop/Computer

Get a new wallet

0-Find someone that understands me in SMSS-0

O-Find sum1 like priya and belle-O

Get Good results for EOY

To finish all my homework

To be sucessful in: Grades, Red Cross,Keeping old friends, Making new ones
Stardust Trail

ur tagboard code here..

The Little Stars

Alice Evangelyn
Insane Sixes
Japanese Pop/Anime Sheet music
Music sheets
The Pianocian
now playing

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


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February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
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April 2009
May 2009
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purpleandblue2 @ blogskins.com
ladyvictoire-brushes @ deviantart.com