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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
~ 6:41 PM ~
Ok...its been a long time since i last blogged... But i have become RANDOM!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! I'm trying to get myself promoted from Shodaime Candy-kage (i like being called that now) to Rokudaime Pengi-kage!!!! But I have to compete with belle's friend to get there...Well, i dun mind settling for nanadaime but i prefer to be rokudaime...but i still get to keep my title of Shodaime Candy-kage! Yay! i get to make ppl candy-kages too! I am the shodaime Candy kage! Fear the wrath of my candy canes!!!!!

Enough of my crap. Some new year im having. my knee's swollen though it doesn't hurt...i cant feel anything and thats the worst part. its like my leg is gonna become jelly...Enough of that...now i have the strong urge to yell im a vampire. Yay!!! someone new tagged!!!! Ok...i have no life. Wait. i do have a life. if i didn't i'd either be ashes or buried 6 feet in the ground. i HAVE A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *end of sugar rush*

i couldn't resist posting this. the 1st 2 are by belle and the last one is by ME! (2 the tune of camptown)

Welcome to the loser land.
Loser. Loser.
Welcome to the loser land.
We'll raise the loser flag.
Raise the loser flag.
Raise the loser flag.
Welcome to the loser land.
We'll raise the loser flag.
(there are actions 4 it but i can't post them)

Welcome to the emo land.
Emo. Emo.
Welcome to the Emo land
We'll raise the emo flag.
Raise the emo flag.
Raise the emo flag.
Welcome to the emo land
We'll raise the emo flag.
(currently working on actions)

Welcome to the penguin land.
Penguin. Penguin.
Welcome to the penguin land.
We'll fly all the way.
Fly all through Night.
We'll fly all through Day.
Welcome to the penguin land
We'll fly all the way.
(NO actions)

There was this really funny comversation between me and belle.

*Belle picks up the fone*
D: Hello, May i please speak to Esabella?
B: Speaking
B: DION! I thought u were somene else...
D: Why? who did u think i was.
B: You sounded so professional and i thought it was sherilyn cuz u never call.
D: ...

Then i wanted to post the banana cheer from priya's camp...but i dunno the words!!! When i get them... I WILL POST IT UP 2MINS & 37SECS AFTER I GET it!!!!!! Ok...why do i create such random crap? Never mind. Kendra killed the fun of finding which class i am in next year... But never mind. I will make sure that i'm in the correct class before posting. I was invited to a countdown party @ pasir ris but then i wasn't allowed to go TTT.TTT.

anyway...(i gotta stop saying that) Why do i bother to post when only Magix and WK bother to read/tag. Aiya. I'm becoming emo again. Ok... i wanna post sumthing stupid .

Singaporeans like to take souveniers home from their LONG-weekend holidays. But they not only buy souvenirs..."They wipe their hotel rooms cleans of everything. They take the towels, slippers, Shampoo and even the toliet seats!" Says the manager to genius! hotel. It is estimated the 200 towels and 30 toliets seats are stolen everyday from this hotel. A man was arrested for stealing the hotel's new coffee maker. To combat this problem, The hotel has imprinted "stolen from Genius! Hotel, Lorong 8 Geylang" On every thing in the hotel.

Ok..this si probably one of the longest post that i've ever written. I wanna go ask sumone how the party is...but not now...let them have fun. Sms later.

The Soon to be Rokudaime pengikage!

Thursday, December 25, 2008
~ 2:51 PM ~

ok...Its christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry christmas every one! Even though it is christmas...weird this are still happening...I was browsing through the pic on my com and there was this one of vincent valentine from final fantasy. Then my bro came and asked: Da Jie, Is that Itachi? LOL. I was laughing for 5 whole minutes coz of that... Then He saw my sister eating watermelon and asked :Da jie. Wheres the hong gua? Which made me laugh even more. I found this video of akatski and christmas. Very funny go watch link is below.


Sry...i dunno how to get youtube on my blog so tt u can watch it stright from here. Here are sum pics i thought of adding...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
~ 8:09 PM ~
Ok.this is day 2 part 2!! There'll be 3 or 4 post abt this day so gear ur selves up.

So after the zoo keeper finished talking...they handed out these empower u booklets. They oso put a couple of markers behind so tt we could write notes inside. So 1st they asked us to copy/draw out sum of the posters that they had written and pasted on the walls. Then it was time for another break. Or rather it was time for lunch. I cant remember wat it was...(yea i noe...all i remember was dinner cuz of belle and priya. for all those who are in smps u will know why)

Since we were all didn't know each other , we were all standing at the door at first. Then there was one person fm the assist team called ivan (though he wanted us to call him prince chan for some weird reason) got very angry when wee any one stood next to the door. Kept saying that the door got attraction power.Then we were also supposed to decide wat we wanted to put up for tmrw's item. There was a lot of deciding and even after lunch we were still not done...expected. They wanted to put up high school musical . (and yet again u all must be laffing)

So then we went back to that theater. And yes...dance again. Then after that and all that cheering...that lady went and spoke to us again. She said that one day she was coming home late fm a friends wedding. So the lift only goes up to the 13th floor so she must then walk up to the 14th floor. So then she saw one malay man walking in tt direction. so she held the lift for him. Then was talking abt how naughty the children were for vandalising the lift. then at the 11th floor, he demanded for her money while wielding a knife.

He: gimme all ur money.
so she had 1 $50 and 1 $20. She: can i keep my $20? i need to take a cab to work tmrw.

he: Ok,ok. Now gimme ur hand phone.

she: can i keep my sim card?

He : ok, ok.

then the lift door opened and she ran up to her house. so she rang the doorbell and her bro opened the door.

she( in a somewat happy voice):hey bro, guess what i just got robbed. But i got to keep my $20 and my sim card!

Bro (in a sleepy voice): u crazy ah. so late still want to joke.

She: no. Its true.

Bro goes and wakes dad up and he grabs an umbrella and the dad grabs a cain and goes to find him. they find him a few blocks away swinging on the swings in one of the play ground. so they get those biker dudes to extorts the money outta him. Thats how they got da money and the hand fone back.

Ok...enough for to day.i'll post again tmrw...hopefully it'll be the last one.

Monday, December 22, 2008
~ 7:49 PM ~
Day 2

Its gonna be a long post...I was there for 13 hrs. ok so start 1st. I reached there then went inside and put my bag down. Then just sat down in one Conner. @ 1st...me being me felt a bit awkward there. Cuz they say that after every break we gotta dance!!! (i noe all of u must be laffing ur heads off. Dion. Dance? No way. Why didn't i go and take video/picture must be wat u guys are thinking) And yes...I danced (now u all must be feeling particularly dissapointed tt u were there.)

Ok so then after the dancing, tt same lady went on stage and was talking to us.(can't remember wat). They divided us into 3 groups called monkeys, lions and seals (i was in the seals). Then they blind folded all of us and had us find our group mates. The thing is u can only make animal sounds and u dun even know who ur member are. worse still, there are 30 of them.(actually 34) after that they let us go for a break to get to know each other.

come back then dance again. And for 10 mins. (i think this is the time that i danced the most in my life)

then they showed us how to lift a person with 2 fingers(ur fingers are in the tiger seal).then the zoo keeper was talking to us about his time working in the zoo.Apparently he was the 1 cleaning the animal dung. Then he said that there were 2 other ppl working as dung cleaner's as well. 1 of them said tt he had been working there for 20 yrs and her enjoys his job. The other one oso worked for 20yrs. he wanted to do sumthing better in his life but he didn't study hard and ended up where he was.

Got one funny part where he said: insyead of saying shit you, say its wonderpoo to see you. And they won't know what hit them. LOL. Im sure belle would be laffing her guts out and priya would hear things wrongly and making it into corrupted stuff. its already late. I'll continue posting tmrw. Btw:this is only the 1st 3 hrs.

Signing off,

~ 7:33 PM ~
Ok...Since every in our class got A's & A*'s for their science, ms chua decided to treat every1 in our class to a movie. Naturally, all wanted to go for twilight( attracted to edward cullen i guess) Me and priya went there @ 2 coz tt was wat was said in the email...but YJY or Yl didn't tell me yesterday that they re-scheduled it fot 1.30!!!!! so yea missed the 1st 20 mins...Never mind...coz i didn't really wanna see twilight anyway. We're lucky that tt v kind person @ the counter let us go in and find ms chua. So the 2 o f u s dragged ms hua out and explained...then she took us both into the theater.

So i sat with belle and we were laughing the entire time. so then after the movie ende we all went out and remained there for a while. then ms chua came and asked us why we were still there. So then we told her tt priya needed to go to the toliet and we were waiting for her. Tts when i noticed ttt "we love waffles!(FRONT) and its not just a breakfast (back)" was written on her t-shirt. Then belle saw tt and said. Mordern singapore was founded by sir stamford waffles. Im going to waffles sec school!!! We were all staring at her weirdly. The she said no.. Im going to Retarded Girls School!!!Then belles mom dropped the 3 of us home. Then come home muz take my bro for class. then come home and blog.

signing off,

Sunday, December 21, 2008
~ 8:03 PM ~
yesterday went xmas shopping with andrea, YJY and yuling. My mom asked me to go to the M1 shop 1st and get a sim card. But...muz get Ic/passport and an adult if ur under 16!!wasted my time. Then must run to carch the bus if i wanna be on time....I reached outram park stn @ 11.30 which was the decided time...but we only managed to find each other 1 hr later....so very sian. 1hr wasted. not really...cause i brought a book.

So then i called andreas home then her mom told me to go to candy empire(dunno why but i find tt name stupid). So then go take the mrt to habour front. Then met YL, YJY and drea @ e stn. Then we go inside vivo. drea asked us what we wanted to do 1st. No one knew....so we followed andrea. 1st she went to the CD shop to buy sum Cds 4 her mom and herself. Then we went to the book rental shop. We went walking around and she oso got sum key chain 4 her friends.

Then we went to the food court. YJY didn't want lunch but she wanted ice-cream. Then drea i yelled at her saying tt she had bad eating habits...So only the 3 of us ended up eating. Then we went to ben & jerry's to get ice-cream to satisfy YJY.

Then we went to action city...had fun looking around. drea wanted to get sum thing 4 her parents 4 their anniversary. So i followed her to precious thots... Finally she settled 2 two mugs. I oso got a mug for YJy there. And yet again...it was a pig. then later we went to the NLB. Borrowed Cirque Du Freak (the real name of the series is the saga of darren shan) book 4!!! YAY!!! For those of u that love mystery and magic..MUST READ THIS SERIES!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN NICE!

Then after a while, we left... i waited for the bus to go home. the i got off at lucky plaza and decided to walk home from there( 1st bus to arrive mah) . Out side they were selling key chains so i got some for all my friends except priya. I got her a small dream catcher. Then go home.

signing off,

Friday, December 19, 2008
~ 11:25 PM ~
Now that i think about it...my blog is really dead. No one really visits it. my blogs been up for a year and barely anyone tagged...Got sum ppl 3 months and then everyone is talking about it. I mean like wah liao. How the hell? Hope tt sum of the friends tt i made from the "camp" tags.Ai ya. Ino time to write anything more. Late already. Then muz oso go for evaluation test. T.T No time to use the com.

Anyway...today went to the SMSS for the registration. Got a lot of books. Almost $400!!! Then must oso go Q up to go buy uniform. Very stupid. The measure and give wrong size also!! Btw . Why the hell do we need a CCA skirt!?!if we're gonna take a sport then wats the point. @ least uniform purchases not as bad as Andreas. Must buy Lab coat oso. O.O Wonder wat we're gonna do.

WHen we go to change the size...stupid lady there at the exchange counter can't read or hear. We ask her for 32 she give 34. Then we ask for 32 again...again she bring 34. Finally on the fifth try she got the correct 1. Allelujah!!! Cool thing is that ms chua is treating the entire class to a movie on Mon coz the entire class got A's and A*'s!! So sad that Itachi couldn't come. No more corrupted stuff that i shouldn't be hearing for....I dunno how long coz Itachis mom doesn't allow her to go out . Hell, she's only been to the cinemas Once!!!ONCE in her entire life!!!!!!!!! O.O

At least belle will be there. so no so bad. One final does of corruptedness. Well.....priya is more corrupted than belle most times...And in a bad way. Underage corrupts!!! If i got time i'll post about the "camp" tmrw! I know belle wants to know so bad!

Singing off
KaiToU kuRaI

~ 4:38 PM ~
For those of u who know me...If theres sum big event i'll usually post it at 1 post per hour. Like the grad nite....Im not gonna do that today. I'll have 29 hrs worth to write...so no. Btw: Belle...u better run. I'm gonna kill u. han wen told me about it.

Day1 5.30-9.30

Ok so when i first arrived it felt kindda weird. i didn't know any1 there. Then there was this group of X-members aka the assist team. There were 2 of them trying to entertain us by asking random questions. Got alot of ppl from sec2-4. Jc and primary dun go more than 10. Then the all started doing weird things. which made me feel =.=" For a while. Then they started everything. 1st they were saying about how this programme would change ours lives forever. And how a lot of ppl loved it. (personally I did too.)

Then they introduced 3 x-students that would be lecturing (not exactly but u noe those type of lectures at camps). One was a lady called gloria. she started telling us about How her family had a jutting jaw and she didn't like it. she can't cycle and then one day she and a friend went to ECP to cycle. 1st, she banged into a dustbin(rather undignified place for ur 1st hit). Then into a statue outside 1 of the restaurants. After that, She was able to do ride quite well for a while...the she banged into a coconut tree and broke her jaw-ouch.

Then the second speaker, an a manth teacher scall kelvin then spoke about his life aS A TEACHER. after tt...we ate dinner. then after tt they talked some more and told us that we could not bring our handfones in while they're on. Muz switch off or put to silent mode. After tt we went home. Not so much to do on the 1st day. But the next 2 were more fun!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
~ 11:50 PM ~
YOZ! WAZ UP! Im back from that 2 and a half day course!!! Called empower U. Its was so damn fun. sadly i 4got to bring my camera. so ur gonna have to use ur imagination. Priya and belle, DUN GO THINKING ANY DIRTY THOTS!!!!

I'll post about it tmrw as u see.....its already MN. Must go 2 sleep soon. got to go to smss tmrw. I dun wanna go. Rather sleep. But i oso wanna know which of my friends are in my class.

Put short post...nah. been absent for 2 long. Then i must oso catch up on my fanfic. And so does priya....(i got reason for not posting 4 a while. Got grounded and got course and my chapters are abt 2000 words long.) I hope to see most of my friends tmrw! Im gonna miss those two underage corrupts. T.T Made me more cheerful.

Now i know what it feels to have ppl say tt u r a guy. (well... notreally. Got no feeling) Got one 30 yr old LADY, that mistook me for a guy...O.O & =.=". I know that im a tomboy by most standards...( mostly the girls in 6 paitence 08) But still. Aiya. muz go ta bed now. BB

Monday, December 15, 2008
~ 6:05 PM ~
Ok..so im damn bored. Nothing to do. I've been getting spammed. Kris is cameback yesterday.. Anyway...bored...so decided to up load this. Have fun laffing ur guts out.

old movie...new watch Don't u need to hold the trigger 2 shootplanes in the Trojan War Swords, arrows and Cellphones!?!?! Adidas! branded pirate!!
But not as funny as...

Or this...
This is what stupid looks like.

This is what sad looks like

this is what sorry looks like.

this is what bad spelling looks like.

this is what a blonds car looks like.
This is what intimacy looks like.this is what deaf looks like
this os what Oh shit looks like.This is what ur tax dollars looks like.
this is what McBurnd it looks like This is wat i can wait looks likethis is what a nightmare looks likethis is wat i thot ur husband was outta town looks like....
A lot of weird things have been going on. My sis went up to me and asked i f i knew the ice-cream company called MAGNISIUM!!!! O.O she turned Magum into magnisium!! Its a body vitamin!!!!! lol. Post tmrw.

Thursday, December 11, 2008
~ 8:46 PM ~
I just realised sumthing. if u asked me this 2 yrs ago...i would have been glad to leave this school cuz sum1 made my life hell. But now.. I gonna MISS SMPS!!! im really gonna miss all my friends that aren't gonna be coming to SMPS!

written for those that are deffinately not coming to smss.


Its been fun knowing you and im really gonna miss you.where else am i gonna find a friend as corrupted and fun as you (Eg itachi and the cough...cough cheese grater). Or find 1 that actually tells good jks ( the 1 abt the durian). Or 1 that'll make up random stuff on wats gonna happen in the next naruto chapter. Like how you said that Kakashi wold be saved by a slug. Im gonna miss your random nonsense and crap. Hope u have a good time in whatever sec sch u go 2. I'll always remember ur nonsense, random crap...and all those random songs u found on YouTube


Im also gonna miss that corruptness and random crap. Like where am i gonna find another friend tats walks into the guys bathroom to get back a plushie. Or says stuff lyk ahem ahem kakashi and ahem ahem the ice-cream scooper. or make up weird names lyk penggikage (spell?)

or call her best friends mom and dad. and teamed up with priya and made me random lyk u guys?? Remember to post more on ur blog next year. Im still gonna remember that invitation that u wrote abt sherilyn getting married to michael in a chocolate toilet bowl. LOL. I'll remember that for yrs. Keep smiling. u look cute tt way.


Thx for being my friends for the last 2 yrs. Well, we can't really count p3 coz we kindda hated each other then. P5 we cleared things up a bit. Beginning of p6 we had a rough start. but we're still friends. Don't for get any one. I hope u get into your dream school and have success in your life. I hope to see u next year. Keep smiling!! I hope that you find happiness wherever u go.


No offence but..I dun think that ur mom made a good choice in putting u in MGS. Ur really gonna suffer being with ppl that are of tt academic level. Not all of the ppl in the primary go to the sec taking express as compared to Smps. U'll fit in after a while. but it may be tough for you in academic wise. Im gonna miss a friend like you. I hope we can all meet up again next year and since are schs are relatively close to each other.. u better come and visit us some time!!! Or i'll personally come and hunt u down.

To all my friends that i forgot...if i dun see to next thrusday @ smss...I'll edit this and add u in.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
~ 4:51 PM ~
I've been feeling rather depressed lately. Most of you would know that its because of a row that i had with a certain friend. At first i was kinda happy that she was out of my life. but now, its eating away at me. I cant sleep at night. Man it was so bad that i fell asleep in SS. That stupid Nicholas W ( aka ( only i can use that name. Dun try to copy it) Ah Pang pang) then insulted me for falling asleep that only served to fuel my rage. and ended up with my shoving him against a wall. sadly, Rm pulled me away saying that the lesson was about forgiving and forgetting. Yea sure, I'll forgive him... Right after i dau pok him next week.

Damn. I hate this. Some ppl say that my life is difficult. I don't think. Its just that i deal with my problems in a non-stressful way. Unlike "her" who vents about it to every one. I don't think that is the best way. Venting will leave you confused as different ppl will have different views and you can't decide which is the best one. But then again...by not trying to do anything and waiting for the other person to make the first move, that's even worse.

Some one said that teenagers need to know that some one is there for them. If they lack in that, it affects their lives when they go into the working world. I don't want to end up like that but neither do i want to lean on somebody. I prefer to have ppl lean on me. It makes me feel weak if i lean on some body.

When you know that some is true but you don't want to believe it, you will come out saying that is isnt until it sinks in. I just dismissed it. I thought she was a real friend. She didnt really care that much though. It was really obvious. Even a fool could've seen that. But yet i was still oblivious to it. I guess that i didn't want to believe it, even though it was glaringly obvious.

Maybe, it was just because i thought she would understand me. I was wrong. She never did and never will. I hope that we will apologise can get on with our lives. But we will never be friends again. Her hatred toward a certain some one was what caused the end of our friendship. Hatred. I dont know why she had to. there was no reason for her to hate her. What did she ever do to her? I dont know.

If she ever apologizes, I will forgive her but i think that she has ruined her friend ship by posting all the fights we had online on her blog. When i tried to ask her why, she just said for fun. When i asked her why didn't she post her conversations with other ppl, she had nothing to say. I had planned for this to happen because a while ago, i realised that we were not friends at all. Me being me couldn't say it to her face.

If she ever reads this ( which i don't think she will ) she should know that she brought this about herself. She said that i was accusing her. Well, she also accused me and never bothered to think of that. She says that some ppl are too poor to buy their own style. Don't all of us follow what the trends in the magazines. No one has views on a matter that no one else in the world have.

We all follow a style created by some one. Our attitudes will not be the same. thats wat defines us as us. our attitudes are all different. U may find a lot of ppl that follow the same style and ideas as you. But that doesn't mean that they are copying you. If some one thinks that you are great and amazing and copy everything you do. That means that you have made an impact on anothers life. Don't accuse them of being too poor to buy their own style. After all most of us just follow what is there in tabloids.

I know its 1 am but i think im gonna post it to nite after i edit a few things. If she learns not to involve herself in such things and act a little more appropriately more ppl would like her. ( she should know what i mean by that)

But no one is even going to listen to this. She has a way of making every one believe her side of the story and not listen to the other. I don't know why. some times i think she like to be too meddle-some. Why should she care what another persons family income is? Its not her business. And why should she care. For god's sake, shes still only 12. Worry about this kinda stuff when you graduate from uni.

Don't judge others by their cover. You may not even know what excatly doing to them. They play along with you thinking something else. You should be happy that she didn't go venting to other ppl about how horrible you were for saying bad stuff about her. You should really be happy that I don't go venting. You should be glad. But you can't return that favour. Because all that you have is hatred. Nothing more, Nothing less. Hope you only vent to fill your empty space. Thats gonna make you happy rite.

You only do that for fun rite. maybe ppl should vent about you so that you will know how it feels. But you wouldn't be able to handle that. Thats why ppl don't do it. But you don't care do you. if that's wat makes you happy then do it. You practically live off it. Think about it. You been venting this entire year. good for you. Keep it up. soon it will kill you if you can't control it. no as many ppl will be as good to you as the 4 ppl that you've been venting about this year. Think about it.


Monday, December 1, 2008
~ 5:06 PM ~
Sorry for not updating on this for a long time. But I'm back and full of life!!! Yay! lol. haha. So continuing from where i left off last time... Yea so every one in our class was quite sad coz D.lim wasn't coming any more. So after the song all the teachers performed....mpst of us just grabbed our bag and went off. So belle, angie and I went back to grab our bags. Belle asked me to get her bag for her as well coz i managed to get there first. While searching for belle's bag...my foot got into the strap of Nels bag, If she pulled it any higher i swear i could had fallen flat on my face. I took carry pics though. Ok enuf here are the pics.....

about me



CCA:Science clubRed Cross~

Lives:On earth



Books by Malcom rose and Darren Shan


Hanging out with my friends

Creating random crap with Priya and belle

Being a Red Cross-er
List of Wishes

My own laptop/Computer

Get a new wallet

0-Find someone that understands me in SMSS-0

O-Find sum1 like priya and belle-O

Get Good results for EOY

To finish all my homework

To be sucessful in: Grades, Red Cross,Keeping old friends, Making new ones
Stardust Trail

ur tagboard code here..

The Little Stars

Alice Evangelyn
Insane Sixes
Japanese Pop/Anime Sheet music
Music sheets
The Pianocian
now playing

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
September 2010


purpleandblue2 @ blogskins.com
ladyvictoire-brushes @ deviantart.com