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Sunday, January 25, 2009
~ 8:22 PM ~
Heys i know i should've posted on the camp but im too lazy to do so now and i also gotta write for my fanfic! so yea....Run down of the things that i did this Chinese new year...

Better start from the beginning for this... So on the 2nd day of orientation this girl called Jia Qi came and sat next to me in the class because there were no other seats...I think she's really cool because shes not the type of friend that will support you all the way but she will give her own ideas and opinions so that u will not fail. Yea...so she invited me a reunion dinner no wait scratch that. BBQ is more like it. So we met up at boon lat Interchange and went to the church from there.

There is no word to describe how big the church is. I think it could accommodate 1500 ppl!!! and plus it didn't have an altar or pews!!! OMFG! it looked more like rock concert area with those self-folding chairs. like the ones u see at the esplanade. And they have more of a stage. It was awesome compared to my church that can't take more than 150 ppl...-.-' probably because of the priest :P And the people of that church are wwaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy more friendly than the ones at mine. Unlike mine which makes us do homework, buy a text book and get a bible every week... they are so free and much more fun! and plus they dun divide u by age! they allow people of different ages to be in a class. ok, they only divide into 2 groups. when we got there, everyone was like "hi! wats you name? mine's ____" Much more different than school and sunday sch.
And the service was also much more fun/exciting than most. The pastor explained different parts of the bible using Chinese characters like fu. (the one which ppl paste on their door during cny) It means god with one man in a field. in other words, god created man in the garden of Eden. COOL RIGHT!!!! And wats more is that all the events are organised by the leaders of the group! So more fun cause they can relate to modern day stuff. So there was this Race organised where we had to find food starting and ending with certain letters. So we decided to split up and look after we had figured everything out. So i and this other guy had to go find an egg tart! -.- not as easy as u think. we needed to find only one but they were only selling 2 4 $1.20. Finally we found a shop selling in packets of 1!!! but for $1.20!!!!!! double the price!!!! So we went back and got the one in pkts of 2...
Then we went to the interchange and got clues for the next part. We had to go to this condo and meet at the soccer field. So we did and we had to do something even more challenging... We had to turn 10x around an umbrella, skip 5x pick up a small Mandarin orange using a tooth-pick that's in ur mouth, get into a garbage bag and hop all the way to the end. Easy la u might say. but all while having a mouth full of water! And u gotta spit it out into a cup at the end. Now its become WAH LIAO HOW TO DO!!!!! hahas. AFTER THAT IT WAS TIME FOR THE BBQ!!!! considering the fact that everything was cooked by students, it was good. i had to leave after that. Can't stay out too long...and i need to go home. Yea so Jia Qi need to go so someone else was waiting with me till the bus came. It was kindda interesting cuz he was explaining to me wat Jia Qi hadn't about his church culture and wat they did. Yea...soon the bus came and i went home...Sorry for lame ending. author has no life and is loving having no life.
I am currently addicted to the song Jesus by Gackt. For some weird reason i was was looking at AMV's on youtube!!! Where as i should having been reading/typing! and i found it on a death note Amv! And got addicted but i gotta say that the Pv creeped me out a little...But u must listen to the song! i have it on my play list!! scroll up and look for it!!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009
~ 7:29 PM ~
Hey everybody!!! Yea i know that i've not been posting for a long time...I didn't have enough time to put down one Whole post so yea. Here i am! U dun need to worry! This blog isn't dead! Though i can only post on week ends from now on. Any way...to my main point...(See below)

WK IS OUR NIDAIME CANDY-KAGE!!! APPLAUSE EVERYBODY!!! (applause in the background) YAY!!! For those wondering why Magix didn't get it... It's cuz she nearly caved in my ankle on tues or wed. Bad Magix. Bad bad magix. Very Bad Magix. Horrible magix! (I know that she is most probably thinking '...' or 'Die') But i dun care too much about that except for 5 mins after that cuz it really hurt like hell!!! And no. 2, She wacked me with her file when i said that it looked bigger that her. Well it did!!! I WAS TELLING THE TRUTH!!!!! For those that dun believe me go ask her to hold that file and u'll see what i mean...

My current mission is to turn all emo's into positive ppl!!!! Ok l. Maybe no positive but more than they are now! I sahll show them the bright side of life and wat it is too feel alive! Cuz when u are a live, nu feel everyone is going ahead with you. Why? Cuz everything seems perfect. Why? Cuz ur high. Why? Cuz ur so happy that u get a sugar rush. Why? Ur emotions trigger them. Why? Because thats the way we were designed by nature. Why? Cuz nature wanted us to be that way. Why? It felt like doing it. Why? cuz its not fair. Why? Cuz it doesn't want to be. And i should stop before i lose all the readers that i have which is practically only 2. -.-' I seriously need to get a life. But having no life is more fun than having a life. Cuz with out a life u can do wat ever you want( not everything though) and ppl won't say much & U can choose watever u want to be!!!!!

I just felt like posting this. I FOUND $71.30 SHOVED INTO A JAR @ THE BACK OF MY CUPBOARD!!!!! YAY! its mine. all mine. Lolz. My cupboard is a bit like our family unwanted stuff place. Anything they dun want they throw in my cupboard. So i decided to clean it out and i found it! Im RICH!!! Not.

Other me (OM): Sheesh uve gone mad.

me: U just realised.

OM: Yea. wat happened to the old emo dion?

me: Died and was buried.


Me: Yea. It was 1 mth ago.


ME: cuz ur evil. NOW GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!

Back to original scene: Yea i knopw that ive not been updating on the camp thingy for a while but i will soon. From next week onwards...that will be wat i will post.... Ok i gtg now Cya!

Saturday, January 10, 2009
~ 9:12 PM ~
Haha. long time never post liao.... Well, orientation camp was ok not that bad. On the 1st day they 1st made us sit for a boring 2 hr talk. All about the normal school nonsense...Rules and regulations and blah blah blah. Worse still they made us sit CROSSED-LEGGED 4 6 or 7 hrs!!!!!!!!!!!! Ur legs cramp us and u can't feel anything after a while. Then when they finally allow you to stand...ur like YES YES YES. then they make you sit after 3 secs. Wah. So sad. every one was complaining to no end.

The bonus about the school is that we got a funny head prefect. YAY!!! U guys all know the bomb game rite...Well...the other prefects all wanted to be mean to the head so they typed on the projecter "someone bomb sam" LOLZ. anyway... they gave us all these t's for the orientation Which was a bit big for every one...

Day 2 was more fun and day 3 oso. Then nothing. we had the class decor 4 chinese new year being put up...but thats about it. blog later.

I have decided to put @least one random or funny thing in my post every time. so When tat boring talk was going on...i was reading the names of the top scorers. And one of them was called ...Lee Ah lian (i know 3 ppl that would be laffing their guts out now so dun be afraid to laff)

about me



CCA:Science clubRed Cross~

Lives:On earth



Books by Malcom rose and Darren Shan


Hanging out with my friends

Creating random crap with Priya and belle

Being a Red Cross-er
List of Wishes

My own laptop/Computer

Get a new wallet

0-Find someone that understands me in SMSS-0

O-Find sum1 like priya and belle-O

Get Good results for EOY

To finish all my homework

To be sucessful in: Grades, Red Cross,Keeping old friends, Making new ones
Stardust Trail

ur tagboard code here..

The Little Stars

Alice Evangelyn
Insane Sixes
Japanese Pop/Anime Sheet music
Music sheets
The Pianocian
now playing

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
September 2010


purpleandblue2 @ blogskins.com
ladyvictoire-brushes @ deviantart.com