And LL. u still expect me to help you just because im in red cross after what u said. and it was just a simple fall of less than 2 feet. that shows what a wimp you are. Almost any other girl would have just gotten up unlike you who just sat there and cried. And u still expect help after everything that u did, everything you said...Well too bad! no one here cares about a wimp that can't even get up. Go and get a life. it doesn't even cost you a cent. go find one and get one. And quit acting so smart. You aren't
And U! Assess the situation before you start blaming me and dun accuse me because some people put in a request. its not my fault. Get your facts right and stop with all the ********. U accused me of doing something when i wasn't even there. And its not my fault if u or ur friends get hurt. blame yourselves and dun expect me to come to your aid. Pick your own selves up. Because i don't care any more.
i really miss priya and belle and angie and Alice and all my other friends now more than ever. Thanks to her, i still haven't made any friends. It would help me a lot if u would just back off. I can't wait for the day when angie comes back. @ least thats one friend that you won't beable to take away!