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Saturday, May 30, 2009
~ 10:08 PM ~
Hey every body! i don't know why but i don't feel like blogging nowdays. its becoming...a drag. i know!! i used to love to blog during the december hopls and now i don't. sian. well, i talked to priya over the fone today and that really perked me up and got me to blog. I haven't hear from her in about 2 or 3 months ok!! YOu'd know whats if you never saw your best friends since PSLE results. Yea its been that long since i've had any randomness or corruptedness in my life.

I think im getting too reserved. Priya said that she's gotten more corrupted!! =.=''''' WTF! I've been trying hard to keep my coruptedness alive but im doing a very good job at that and she comes and says shes become more corrupted!? And belles gotten less corrupted too and no one can beat her in that aspect! SHe was the most corrupted one. and shes been over taking by her junior( nopt exactly but you get what i mean).

Ah..i should be continuing on the script for my RCY camp. If ma'am( of the group and not the cap) knew, i think she might kill me but i've already completed a bit of it. So i don't think she'll kill me. unless i don't submit it to her by mon. Thinking about it, i've got a pretty hectic schedule to the point where i just want to say in bed. I've never going out this many times in a week let alone a year. yea, last year i went out only 3 times including camps and watever church trips).
lets take a look at the schedule..........
mon- Tuition; camp preparation; tuition
wed- sci consultation; RI camp fire
thurs-SMSS RCY Camp
Sunday- Sunday school

Gah!!! every day i have something going on. T.T no free time. i wanted to read the 3rd book of the demonata. and i still haven't started on my school work. Damn. im really gonna die this time but thanks to the teachers that gave us a little extra time after the hols to complete the work so maybe i won't die after all. hahas. goota keep my spirits up. I will neither run nor hide, but will face what lies ahead~

ahh. wat the hell, im complaining. damn. listen to the song below. Its from bleach and it nice. pretty fast paced.

hahas. i haven't found out what it means. but in my fic i decided to created a character called tsuyoi Ryuukashi. and i went to find out what it means. guess what.............it means...............................................................................

THE MIGHTY WAY OF APPARENT DEATH. what the hell right. I just made up that name and it has the strangest meaning ever. and i know some of you must be laffing so hard you've fallen out of your chair already. Yea. Tsuyoi means might or powerful. ryuu means way or method and kashi means apparent death. so thats show i got the mighty way of apparent death. well, that all i got for you for now.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
~ 10:04 PM ~
HI everyone!! im back again ^^. yup im back and livin' . well, nothing much done today. got a book which reminds me of tobi being abused by pein then comforted by ino. well, its not hard to imagine the 1st part cuz pein probably wants to kill tobi except when hes madara. but the ino part totally freaks me out. Like ino would probably kick tobi to the moon and drag him back and give him to sakura to be beaten to pulp. ok...i've officially lost it. but the book is SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!! well, yea. but imagine ino is zetsu. haha i'd have a good laff.

now im listening to know your enemy in a naruto tribute. it rocks ok. well, the lyrics no so much but its got good beats. well, it suites the battle and the valley of the end perfectly. well, naruto and sasuke aren't really enemies. but it still suits for some weird reason.

Random battle......

Om: Do you know your enemy?
Me: Yea. you
om: i am you
me: yea...but you still have too much emoness in you to be me
om:-.-'' am i really losing an argument when i should be winning
me: nope. you argue, i win
om: wtf. you took that from your english/lit!
me. yea. so? no one knows anyway. its not like we memorised every part of the book.
om: im gonna murder you.
me: yea yea yea. if you did that you'd die too
om: good point
me: hah! i was right all along
om: *twitch*


ok...that was weird. but coming back to reality.... well, i got nothing. haha. CCA may be canceled next week cuz of parent teacher meeting and we may have CCA the week after that. i know its the hols but the ma'ams were letting on something about the 1st week of june. i dunno but i think that there is something going on. but for now bye!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009
~ 9:29 PM ~
Hi eveyone! im back again! did ya miss me? i bet not except for the ppl who bother to read my blog... but today was just awesome. yea CCA started again today and got me happy today after hours of boredom in class. I mean how can they keep us with practically no teacher for the whole day!!! dun they know that we're bound to go out of control and they still say we're noisy. hahas. but whatever. and they there was a talk concerning the *ahem* disciplinary behaviour of you school, but im going to move on to the fun....

So we were falling in and then the ma'ams told us to fall in under the shade but we didn't know and went too far back then got called back. So after reporting, we were asked to go up for lessons which was surprising seeing as we always have footdrill 1st. but it was ok. well, now i have to go and look for evac bronze notes on google. hahas. so a ma'am was explaining what it was then the was like" ok. Who wants a test today." then everyone was like NOOOO and i was the only one that was like "ok ma'am" well dun blame me!!!! i seriously thought she would give it ok.

The was practical training which we had to learn how to switch casualties to certain positions like the recovery, prone and i dunno how to spell it but it starts with Semi-somthing. yea. i hope they dun at my blog to find out that i forgot so fast.=D hahas. well, then we hasd to practise with a partner and since i had none ma'am said that i could join in groups of 3 but then she realised that there were too many so she wanted one of the seniors -.-''' . i died there and then and now im typing this from the angels sanctuary. i never knew that they had internet access down there. i always thought they were too busy running the universe to bother to update themselves with the worlds.

OK no. i DID NOT die. i was just so horrible that the kicked back to earth along with my computer. yea but the seniors were scary so i just moved back and ma'am was kind enough to allow that. =DD yay for me!! hahas. yea but then we went down for footdrill. i wouldn't say that it was that bad learnt some new commandes. yea like hentak kaki cepat hentak. which just means start marching in short. and then berhenti to stop there was a whole chuck for that command but on my notes thats what it said. so im just gonna follow it for now.

So then we had games! YAY! there was this shoe game where we had to form a group of seven and then 4 of us would sit on our shoes and the remaining 3 had to snatch shoes from the other groups and we won!!! we got 21 shoes. there was one that got only 5 cuz we stole all the shoes from them MUAHAHAHAHA. then was captains ball where we lost and had to do something to make the captains laff. finally they took pity on us and let us go. then was debreif and home. well, i only reached home and hour later. and this is where i am now. blogging. sadly i can't read manga cuz my dad forbids it and he's here going through my sister's papers so if he happens to look up then im dead. and i think im gonna far worse than my sister. like she came close to failing 1 and falied 1 so im not in a good position here. and im gonna dieeeeeeeee!

well, i should go back and beg the angels to take me back in. well, they probably won't but i can try. hehe. well, cya before i get my results.

Sunday, May 17, 2009
~ 6:15 PM ~
hi everyone im back!!! hahas. yea. im here. not dead and yes the exams are over. and we have mon and tues off cuz its marking days. hahas i may be going out on either days and on tues mom is flying off for one week. yea and then chaos will strike. hahas well, i just returned from camp 5 hrs ago. hahas it was only 1 night but it was still fun

hahas. well, here are some songs that belle created and put on her fic and I DUN OWN THEM OK!!!!

The beer version of 'Doh a deer'

Dough, the stuff that buys me beer,
Ray, the guy who serves me beer.
Me, the guy who drinks the beer,
Far, the distance to my beeeer~
So, I think I'll have some beer,
La,lalalalala BEER!!!
Tea, no I think I that I want beer,
That will bring us back to dough-oh-oh-oh-oh...

quadratic formula to the tune of 'Mary had a little lamb':

X equals to negative b,
Positive, negative square root of
B square minus four a c and
Always over 2 a!

The sick version of ' jingle bells' dun read if you are innocent!

Dashing through the snow,
On a pair of broken skis,
Smashing into rocks,
Crashing into trees.
The snow is turning red,
Somebody's almost dead,
He woke up in the Hospital with stitches in his head. Oh
Cock and balls, cock and balls
Hanging on the wall,
One so big, one so small,
One like cannonball (boom)
One for fifty cents and
Two for one dollar,
Buy three and get one free
While stocks lasts it states!

LOLZERS!! hahas. i was laffing at that one while some of you might be revolted but once you spend a day with her you'll realise that this is fun and normal and AWESOME!

hahas. stupid image chef won't allow me to make a pic for RCY. stupid. WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!! it could work in the school computer lab but not here !!!! WTFH!!!!

but there's no use. anyway i painstakingly drew it out and one for the random ppl and 6P'08! lalalalalalalala. I can't wait until CCA resumes. i think its on friday but i seriously miis it. haha. no one looks forward to it except me. I guess this is what happens when you join the random ppl group. you always do the opposite of everyone else. but its good in a way. hahas. i better go ask any of my ma'ams if i see them tomorrow. or check the CCA board.... if they bothered to update

well yea i go tback to reading fanfic after it spammed my email and i needed some corruptedness back in my life. hahas.

and to all the random ppl.... We should all totally meet up once angie gets back!!! maybe celebrate priya's and my b'daes in the process!!!hahas. cya all soon.


Sunday, May 10, 2009
~ 7:50 PM ~
Hey ppl. im bored.....like there's seriously nothing to do besides study so i decided to just post for fun. hahas. nothing much has been going on lately. Nowdays, ppl call me heartless but i just lay the facts on the table. you get the points no waste of time.You take what i give or leave. Thats how i work. only 2 ppl have ever been close enough to see through the mask. They didn't give up where as others had. Thanks. I owe you guys alot.

Rumors have been spread around the class but i don't care. Same ppl same thoughts. They just spread it to others. Like i said you all discriminate before you know me. The same ppl who hated me just spread it and they believed it before they find out anything. Yea, but it's been beaten into me to ignore them. YOu can say what you want to me but once you involve my friends you better be prepared to have rough time ahead.

LEave me alone already! What have i done to you. I don't even talk or speak or interact. Yet, you still think annoying me is fun. If you were in my shoes, you'd probably be screaming your head off. it's been drilled into me, that's why i can handle it unlike you who can't and would break immediately. Leave me alone and i will too. I've already withdraen myself. What more do you want?

Saturday, May 2, 2009
~ 4:44 PM ~
ok ppl! im back! have you forgotton me? i bet you have. well, except for a few ppl i guess there are some of you who have forgotton me. hahas. i guess im too isolated. I DUN WANNA BECOME EMO AGAIN!!!! I WOTKED SO HARD TO REMOVE IT. EMO SUCKS! DUN BE EMO U'LL RUIN YOUR LIFE!!!

be emo if you want but i won't interact with you unless you wanna change.

Well i took a test on blog things " How girlish are you " and this was my result...
You Are 4% Girly
Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.
And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.
http://blogthings.com/howgirlyareyouquiz/">How Girly Are You?
4% would be pathetic to most girls but not to me. =D

ok well, now im addicted to the song Into the NIght by Santana and Chad kroeger yea yea. you might say thats weird but its nice so i dun care.

Like a gift from the heavens
It was easy to tell
It was love from above that could save me from hell
She had fire in her soul
It was easy to see
How the devil himself could be pulled out of me
There were drums in the air as she started to dance
Every soul in the room keeping time with their hands and we sang

And the voices rang like the angles sang, singing
And we danced on into the night [2x]

Like a piece to the puzzle that falls into place
You could tell how we felt from the look on our faces
We was spinning in circles with the moon in our eyes
No room left to move in between you and I
We forgot where we were and we lost track of time
And we sang to the wind as we danced through the night

And the voices rang like the angels sang, singing
And we danced on into the night [2x]

[Guitar playing]

Like a gift from the heavens
It was easy to tell
It was love from above that could save me from hell
She had fire in her soul
It was easy to see
How the devil himself could be pulled out of me
There were drums in the air as she started to dance
Every soul in the room keeping time with their hands and we sang

[Chorus 2x]
And the voices rang like the angels sang, singing
A-yo-a-yo-a-yo-a [3x]
And we danced on into the night

Yea so now im bored and im gonna read some manga and forget about everything for a while....

about me



CCA:Science clubRed Cross~

Lives:On earth



Books by Malcom rose and Darren Shan


Hanging out with my friends

Creating random crap with Priya and belle

Being a Red Cross-er
List of Wishes

My own laptop/Computer

Get a new wallet

0-Find someone that understands me in SMSS-0

O-Find sum1 like priya and belle-O

Get Good results for EOY

To finish all my homework

To be sucessful in: Grades, Red Cross,Keeping old friends, Making new ones
Stardust Trail

ur tagboard code here..

The Little Stars

Alice Evangelyn
Insane Sixes
Japanese Pop/Anime Sheet music
Music sheets
The Pianocian
now playing

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
September 2010


purpleandblue2 @ blogskins.com
ladyvictoire-brushes @ deviantart.com