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Thursday, December 31, 2009
~ 11:26 PM ~

And 10










Happy New Year!!~

Hey! Its new year is here! Excited? Scared? Nervous? Overjoyed? To be honest, I want to go on and i don't want to go on. Im scared to leave everything behind yet i want to find out whats in front. Hahas. Im some crazy person. But the real question is Can i really face whats ahead? Some people tell me im too heartless and too boxed up. Some say that im like a ghost. Always there to listen if you need it. Hahas. Honestly i hop i can be invisible to that i can play pranks the whole year =P

Hahas. I hope that i can acheive whatever was put on my list of acheviments and that i can remain happy like this year! Hahas.

The sadest part about next year is that i probably won't get a chance to hang out with Gaara, Itachi angie and Everyone else!!! But i will learn to get through it. I hope that i don't become even more cold to those who think i am. Hahas. I should really learn to socialise more.

Hahas. I wish everyone a happy and spendid New Year and for those taking your O's, Don't worry. There are people worse than You out there. ^^

Happy New Year ^^~

~ 9:11 PM ~


Hahas. I can't believe its gonna be the new year tomorrow. Time passes by so fast. Hahas. Im really gonna miss 1e5'09. Its the most awesome class eva!! I guess that im used to the people here i guess i should try to be a little more open. Hahas

To look forward to next year:

+Even tougher competetion!

+The challenges i have yet to know and face

+I Have the opportunity to do it!!

What not to look forward to:

-Bell's taking her O's. Or at least she is. Can't go out anymore. :(:(:(

-she is in my class. I dun hate/dislike her but could she be a little less rude?

-im probably gonna a get a cranky lao shi

Hahas. I shall post again at midnight!

Till then~

~ 10:59 AM ~
Im Backkkkkkkkkk!~

Whoo! Im finally back! Hahas. The plane was delayed an hour and my bro was bugging me the whole way. Hahas. i wanted to sleep but then i couldn't. People keep snoring....-.-

Hahas. I want to go to the countdown party tonight but i doubt i can make it. Hahas. Sorry to all those who won't be seeing me tonight. hahas. I thought the Itachi would be there when i remembered that shes in another country. -.-"

Hahas. Well...Im gonna try to enjoy my holidays while they last! Hahas. Urgh. I don't want to do anymore homework!!!

BYez Spread the hyperness !~

Monday, December 28, 2009
~ 3:34 AM ~

Heehee. Im back to blogging again. My fingers have become somewhat used to the ancient keyboard and i can type a little faster now. ^^. Haha. today was Kiaras 1st Holy communion. SO they had some lunch party. I think Aniela's Grandmother is crazy already. Keep asking her to eat the snacks that they served. Then later asked to eat lunch but shes so full she can't eat anymore. Bah. She Ate double the snacks of what Aidan ate and he eats enough for 4 persons.

Shes not stupid you know. She knows her limits and is perfectly capable of taking care of both you and herself. Shes not some small helpless child that needs to be helped all the time. Ahh but never mind now. Whats done is done. Ha has. I think that Grandparents should leave food to the child after they turn ten. Seriously. Aniela's grandmother keeps saying she doesn't eat. And i thought she was one of those who eat only one meal a day....She eats double of what i eat. Crazy people...

Hahas. Yea i took some photos but i can't upload them yet. I shall upload them when i get a chance to. HAhaha. Went to some wok place for dinner. Its a bit like a yong tau foo restaurant. Hahaha. Basically its like a yong tau foo buffet. Can go as much as you want. Hahas. Everyone Either took Alot of everything the 1st time or took small helpings of everything camp came back 3 or 4 times.

Hahas. 1st time i took this super spicy sapo sauce as the base. My aunt who has a cast iron stomach was complaining that it was too spicy. Haha. Everyone said that i was Crazy to even finish half of it. Then took some spicy Korean pepper as the base. then everyone kept saying that I'm punishing myself for something. Hahas. I will probably be spitting fire in the morning though. hahas. Hope i can keep it down.

Friday, December 25, 2009
~ 11:46 PM ~

Merry Christmas~

Hey people! Its Finally here! Its finally TODAY! Its Finally Christmas!!! Wooo!!

I trust that you all enjoyed the day and the presents that you all received. -^^ - Hahas. Nobody knew what i wanted for Xmas so they all got me clothes. I don't think theres any space in my cupboard to keep them. Hahas. At least i got some cash as well -^^-. Hahas

hahas. I cant send any Xmas card from here so you'll get them next year. Kays. Haha. Was woken today by my mom and dad's screaming. Then chionged to freashen up and change before the water went. Then went to my other grandparents house for Xmas Lunch. Hahas. Reached the same time as Aidan and Aniela( pronounced as A-nye-la). Hahas, then joked around. Then we were all trying to hide behind the curtains b4 kiara came. Hahas. like some mad people. then we can't stop laughing. A dead giveaway to our location. Then made more noise and caused more trouble. Then we were allowed to eat lunch. HaHa. I Ate so much... i dun feel like eating dinner now.

Haha. Then...Everyone was sitting aroung the Xmas tree and pushing each other to try and grab the presents from under the tree. Like some crazy 3 year olds. Hahas. then went home and opened my presents. Hahas.

Hmm...then just stared at the ceiling aimlessly. Hahas. then helped my parents get ready for their Xmas dinner so that we can make as much trouble as we want and they can't say anything. Hahas. Watched Beneath, Aeon Flux and Ultraviolet. Hahas. Watching horror movies on Xmas. Hahaha. Sounds so weird. Hahas. Like some retard....

Hope you had a

Very Merry Christmas Day~

Thursday, December 24, 2009
~ 10:24 PM ~
1 Day left~

Hey everyone! Hahas. Its Christmas eve! Excited at what Santas gonna give you for xmas? Hahas. Im not too excited about that. Hahas. cuz i already know what im gonna be getting for Xmas. Or at least i think i will be getting it for Xmas.

Hahas. Today i woke up super late. Thanks to my dad. Kept me and my sis up until 6.30 with his snoring. then we fell asleep at 6.45. Then woke up and went for lunch with Kiara and family. Then we went to get our hair done for Xmas. Or rather my sis and mom did that. I just went for fun. Hahas. In the end, the girl working there offered to neaten my hair up. ^^ After having to suffer with that horrible haircut for some time...I finally got it neatened up!!! ^^ -^^-!

Hmm...we had to wait very long there. About 3 hours or so. then we chionged back home so as to beable to make it back in time for Xmas service. hahas. i need to leave in 20 mins and im here blogging instead of getting ready. Lol.

Haha. Watched part of Aeon Flux. Very...different for a movie genre. Assassin movie.

Merry Christmas Eve! ^^ Hope that Santa will give you what you wanted!~

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
~ 1:18 AM ~

Haha. Seems that everyone is in the Christmas fever. Hahas. every one one keeps asking me what i want when i dun want anything...its getting very annoying. haha. I wish that they'd just keep the money and spend it on something that they need. Hahas.

Hmm... I still need to get presents for my "mentors" aka Itachi the Mom and Gaara the Cheeseburger. And i forgot who i was. Hahas. Shall go find something tomorrow. Very very very last minute shopping for them. but Mom is in another country and i dun know when I'll see them again. Hahas. I'll just mail it to them! ^^ Finally they'll get some mail.

Hahas. I wonder if i should send a card with Raya next year for CL. I think she'd be happy since well....i dun know. She's never received one i guess. make her happy for once. Always looking so sad. I guess that's the true meaning of Christmas. Making someone else happy.

Ah well. I just want to go and sleep.

Merry Christmas~

Friday, December 18, 2009
~ 9:40 PM ~


Hahas. Came back from my teaching rounds. Hahas. It was very fun ^^. Playing with all the small kids. Played electricity first. Damn they're good at spotting the message. Its like they only go past maybe 5 people or so before the message is caught. Haha. No one received any mesage successfully. Then played whacko. hahas. they couldn't understand at first but then when they got the hang of it...they didn't want to stop... Hahas. Teacher says that they can go but they don't want to go. ^^ Hahas. Im a very fun teacher.

hahas. Did 2 sessions. 1st one was more fun. Someone signed me up to an assistant to the teacher at a dance class. =.= I guess its okay cause i don't have to dance. Just sit there and do all the paper work ...i hope. Sigh. i really don't want to teach a bunch of kids to dance when i myself have 2 left feet. Haha.

Next year's gonna be a killer year. Even more drama than this year perhaps. Hahas. i shouldn't involve myself in such things. They always end in a mess. Haha. I mangaged to stay out of any drama, clashes and managed to stay stress, depressed and hate -free this whole year. Hahas. I wonder if i can do that next year. I definately want to be stress-free and depressed -free. I don't think i'll ever come to the point where i'll hate anyone after this year so yea hate-free is still running.

Stupid Keyboard. So ancient. Haha. Went and dug out all the musicals instruments from my grandparents house. They had not been used in about 25-30 years. Haha. Everything was broken or out of tune and beyond repair. The only thing that was decent was the drum and it sounded like it was on chemo. or something like that Hahas Enjoy the last 2 weeks of your hols


~ 2:25 AM ~


hahaz. Im back on the ancient keyboard! Haha. Spent the last few days visiting places and relatives. Not Fun. We spend at least 30 hrs in that damn car. Very sian. No one to talk to (Unless you count my sis who doesn't talk about anything other than twilight which i hate but learned put up with all the blabber) No phone so i cant sms Sho. Hahas. So i slept most of the time. Haha.

Its super annoying thought. I have to share the floor with my siblings. Hahas. Everynight we're staying with a different relative so everyday we gotta pack and unpack. hahas. Anyway, Im back at my grandparents. Haha. i wanted to go to my cousins house but i cant. Haha. Tomorrow i have CIP !!=D haha very excited. Hahas. But im going back to my other grandparents house tmrw. Haha. very ma fan. That At one grandparents place then must pack and take stuff to the other gransparents house for CIP.

Hahas. I should be sleeping now...gotta wake up early in the morning... Hahas. I have a very long day ahead. 8.30am-4pm haha. I need to teach at the school for the poor. =D


Friday, December 11, 2009
~ 3:15 PM ~
Some of you may ask why i said it would be my last post the other time...well thats cause i didn't know my grandparents had a computer in their house. So yea...I can blog. Hahas. Well there's this water shortage in my grandparents house so 8 ppl have 30 mins to bathe and 10 mins to brush their teethin the morning. Hahas. but some how we made it work! ^^

Haha. I was supposed to get dragged to watch new moon with my sibling but i managed to find someone to go for me!! ^ ^ Yay! Then theres some speech competetion that my grandmother wants me to see and some wedding i have to go for later. I dun wanna go for the wedding!! T.T

Its damn difficult to type on this computer cuz the keyboard is kindda ancient. Maybe from my grandparents time.... Haha. I should be completing my chinese homework instead of wasting my time blogging here. Haha. Well no ones at home save for my siblings so i can go unnoticed. hahas.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009
~ 12:46 PM ~

Today i woke up and went for tuition. Damn. I think they put the air-con on 11 or 12 degrees. The room is so freakishly cold my fingers turned blue. Literally. Ok maybe it was only purple but it still counts as partially frozen. It was so difficult to write.Then the teacher kept sneezing and saying she wasn't sick...the air-con was too low. She said that the other people wanted the air-son lower so our floor was hit the worst cause they installed ALOT of air-cons. If anyone wants to go and get a botox they should just sit in the classroom for a few hours and their face will be permanantly frozen in place.

Haha. todays my last post until either next year or end of the month. Yea well im kindda leaving for a long while. Hahas. Im gonna really miss belle and Itachi alot. But its not the end. I'll definately see them next year. I hope... But nevermind. I'll see them somewhere down the road. Haha. And then...we might be a bit more sophisticated thann we are now...hahas.



Monday, December 7, 2009
~ 2:34 PM ~
I saw some really freaky things yesterday. My sis and i were waiting at the bus stop to go to plaza sing to buy something for my grandmother. Then while we were waiting, there wasa motorcycle that crashed into a taxi.

Both the guy and the guy got thrown off the motorcycle and the girl was practically rolling on the road. Im amazed that she didn't get hit by a car. So scary. At lest they didn't get hurt. I think the girl sprained her ankle or something cause she could walk but was limping a bit...i don't know how the hell they could crash cause they were going in the same direction. I'll leave that to the LTA to find out.

Then today...i went of with Anbu Capt. ...Well not exactly go out cause we only met for about an hour. maybe less. And what did we do? Search for as many books as we can. haha. Crazy Capt. kept telling me that im some mental person. "you ignore me for more than a week and now you're so hyper. Damn, you just went out with one of those kages didn't you?" And obviously the answer was yes!! ^^ ^^. Haha. Annoyed me to no end by saying that im some mute person and a depressed emo kid. freaky Capt.

Ok..gtg bye ~

Saturday, December 5, 2009
~ 4:55 PM ~

I just felt like blogging. yea so yesterday, i met belle at plaza sing. Haha. she was late and i was standing there like some idiot waiting. then i called her and she said maybe another 15mins till she arrives. so i decided to walk around for a while before i returned to my post. Then belle arrived...and she couldn't see me.

On the phone

b: hello Dion. where are you.
d: outside bread talk.
B: I'm outside bread talk! i don't see you.
D: I see you *hangs up*

Then i nearly scared her out of her wits. she looks so pretty now that shes grown her hair out. 1st we decided to go eat lunch. i was starving. hahas. so she said go to pizza hut. 1st we ordered then belle starting to do her Chinese homework. Wah lao. i pity her. hoped she managed to finish it on time.

then we ran up to book seats for a movie... haha. we were NOT going to watch twilight on any bases so we watched mulan instead. After we finished with the booking, we went down to some random fast-food restaurant cuz belle wanted to finish up her si han.

then we went down to the mrt timezone to take neo prints. then we laughed and laffed at how retarded we looked in some of the pic. there was one where we were not ready and were staring up when the pic was shot. then we looked like some retards staring at the sky for inspiration.

then we went up to the cinema. still early to we cut out everything. then the movie started...it was ok. the ending was rather...horrible. they shouldn't have even out it in the movie. she just goes back home, touches all her clothes hugs a guy and that's it. lame. they should have just ended it at the danyu tribe scene.

i discovered what the other meaning of ANBU is....Annoying Ninjas who Bullshit Unstoppably. the real meaning is anasetsu something busentai something....

then...sadly i had to say bye....

Yea so that was it. and to the ANBU capt. , well its not that i don't like you or anything, i just don't have the time for you now days. So don't go berserk and tell everyone I'm a depresses emo person. I'm perfectly fine.

Thursday, December 3, 2009
~ 12:26 PM ~
i don't know why but i feel like stabbing something or killing something. plush toys don't count. i don't know why but the lack of red is a bit weird for me. I guess i got too used to getting cuts and bruises that its weird not having any for a long time.

i just finished copying out all my chinese homework. *sigh* i know i finished it along time ago but i only bought the gao zhi just before camp so i didn't get a chance to copy out anything. haha. 8 compos in one day.....so many chinese characters......i feel sick thinking about it. haha. I love learning chinese but i hate studying it. I'm really gonna miss my Chinese class next year. and for some weird reason i miss my lao shi. O.o I think I've finally lost it. Can some one please wake me up from that nightmare??

Haha. Yea tomorrow I'm seeing Sho. ^^ So happy about it. one thing to look forward to tomorrow. but then i have tuition from 9 in the morning. ugh. so irritating. i have to wake up super early and do all my homework that i haven't bothered to do. haha. Been trying to finished up all my school homework but i haven't bothered to touch my tuition homework.Haha.

Ni is going off today... T.T can't see her off at the airport. Why....i probably won't get to see her until next year. Hold on...ok shes only coming back next year. so maybe next June when its our b'days or somewhere around there. Haha. We're born 4 days apart! cool rite. One of my best friends is born just 4 days before me.

Haha. Camp ended a week ago and my arm still feels as though the muscle has been ripped from the bone. Its a bit painful but i think i can live with it. Its like my whole arm is stiffened. Like a a dead persons. Probably Copying out all that chinese caused it.

I hope all my friends in FDC do well and get into the finals. Haha. I'm happy that i didn't get into FDC though. I wanna get into OM next year!! Haha. if I'm in FDC then I'm scared that my chances of getting in will low and it will be stressful to go for 2 competitions at the same time... so yea. Next year then I'll try for FDC. Cause Sec 3's can't take part anymore. I know its wrong to purposely get myself kicked out but i don't want to go appealing and have to write some long letter of appeal so i did what i did.

Yea.. I'm gonna go now....

Call me your favourite,
Call me the worst
Tell me its over
I don't want to hurt
Its all that I can say
So I'll be on my way....

about me



CCA:Science clubRed Cross~

Lives:On earth



Books by Malcom rose and Darren Shan


Hanging out with my friends

Creating random crap with Priya and belle

Being a Red Cross-er
List of Wishes

My own laptop/Computer

Get a new wallet

0-Find someone that understands me in SMSS-0

O-Find sum1 like priya and belle-O

Get Good results for EOY

To finish all my homework

To be sucessful in: Grades, Red Cross,Keeping old friends, Making new ones
Stardust Trail

ur tagboard code here..

The Little Stars

Alice Evangelyn
Insane Sixes
Japanese Pop/Anime Sheet music
Music sheets
The Pianocian
now playing

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
September 2010


purpleandblue2 @ blogskins.com
ladyvictoire-brushes @ deviantart.com