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Saturday, January 30, 2010
~ 9:22 PM ~

Hey! Hahas. I decided to blog after about a week of not blogging. Hahas. Well, not much happened this week. M crushing on B,A and C. tried to make me one of them too....Which was just plain...weird? IDK. Hahas. Then we made all these weird songs about M and her love. using 3, sk8er boi and nobody. Hahas. Look for u-noe-hu if you want the lyrics.

Hahas. then etch. Hahas. M freaked out the 2 seniors taking us with her love issues and preached to them about B until they threatened M that they'll tell B if she doesn't shut up. Haha. Now that was funny. *starts laughing hysterically* next etch lesson is gonna be hell on earth for the other seniors that are unlucky enough to be taking our group. muahahahaha!

Ah. i guess that there's nothing that i have to look forward to next week. Hahas. And anbu capt. I forgive you. =D heehee. I know ive not been doing this but i decided to do it now! =D look below to see what i was taking about!

Sterotype: I'm not the most POPULAR person in school, so I MUST be a loser

Friday, January 22, 2010
~ 9:16 PM ~

Hey! Long time no blog.

Ha has. Yea Since school started its been work work and more work. I wish I'd taken a position as a rep. Now I'm made project leader for almost everything. Damn irritating. And frustrating. Ha has. But i gotta remain positive that things will turn out positively and i can do things well. I just gotta work hard for it.

Ha has. Anyway, i had CCA today. I really didn't want to go for it though. I guess its because there's still that the ghost that i thought i dealt with never left. Sigh. I never want to be around anyone there anymore. Its like i have to run out immediately from there. Like a poison spreading. Stupid ghost. why did you have to show up. but then again its my fault its here.

Ah but never mind. I'll figure out something to deal with it. I gotta stay as positive as possible or I'll never be able to make it through the next 3 years of sec school. ha has. *sigh* If people really think I'm cold and heartless just say it to me. don't beat around the bush. I'm trying to open up. Just give me more time. Its still the beginning of the year. I can and will change. There's no need for your worry.

Yea and don't think i can't cry. i do. You just don't see it. i just try to be strong for others to cry without needing to worry. And before you say that I'm a loner, take a look around you. I hang out with the same people everyday. So what if i don't consider any of them particularly close or consider one of them my best friend. I believe in equality. Ther're all friends. no one is better than the others. So think twice or else i'll snap back.

And Capt. Why the hell did you have to email her about my problems! I can deal with them on my own! Thanks for making your message clear though. I know what to do and how much you can as well.

Haha. I'm currently addicted to all the bleach openings and endings. So cool. hahas. Especially Bankai ichigo. hahas. Well thats all for now. Enjoy your weekend =D

Saturday, January 9, 2010
~ 5:00 PM ~

Back To Schoolllll~

Hey. Hahas. Finally the weekend is here! Hahas. I was lookig forward to this weekend to catch up on whatever home work i hadn't compleed but it looks like i haven't kept to that. Hahas. Nevermind. Its not like i HAVE to pass it up on monday. Hahas. 2E1 Is AWESOME. Hahas. The best class Eva!!! Hahas. Mr. T Rocks too :P

Sec 2 Camp so soo Funnnnn. HAhas. I'm still So hyper that i can't sleep even though KK Said that i had lines under my eyes on friday. Hahas. Running around Sentosa was so fun. Hahas. And Asking all the foreigners questions to complete the tasks for extra points. Hahas. But some of them were rude. Hahas Then we were looking for a Jap lady but they were all koreans. Hahas. But Never mind. Managed to come in 2nd. Hahas Screamed like mad. Never thought i could scream like that.

Next day we went dragon Boating. Hahas. Got all soaked but had a lot of fun splashing water at each other. Hahas. So fun. Screamed alot here as well. Then later we came back for swap with the other half. Hahas. Then Coach Jeff said that cause the food was not good we had to wait for them to make a new batch. Hahas. Then Mitty was complaining "im Hungry...Where the food!!!" Hahas. Then after lunch we did the team strategy games hahs. Like the balloon wriggle the best. Hahas.

Bathing time. Horribe. Everyone had two minutes and some ppl took ten minutes to bathe. Hahas. But most of them were cooperative and washed their hair in the sink. Only a few ppl washed inside. Hahas. Damn funny though. Filling up pails then ppl trying to wash their hair in the Sink with the hose. haha. In the end ...bathe last with sneha. Hahas. But had fun.

Gala night. SUPPPERRRR FUNNNNNNNNNN. Had some limbo contest...dress up ppl in newspaper. Got the teachers to do the chicken dance on stage. So sad Mr.T didn't come. Otherwise we will force him on stage Hahas.

Last day... Had to but a catapult and see which group can shoot the furthest. Our group didn't win but our class dad. Whoo! Go 2/1!! Hahas. And now my voice is goneeeee. Dead and goneeee. Hahas. Go 2/1! We're The Bestest Class Ever!!

Hahas. I decided to post one sterotype on each post cause Its going around FFN! Hahas. In the hopes that people will seriously take a good look at themselves I'm gonna do this! Whoo!

I'm an ONLY CHILD so I MUST be spoiled~

Saturday, January 2, 2010
~ 9:57 PM ~


Hahas. I was bored so i decided to go blogging. Schools Gonna start in 2 days...Urgh. And they only subject that i completed is Chinese! WTF. Yea i know. WTFH is on your minds right now. The rest all do half way... Hahas. I thought the Chek Jawa thingy was just for us to see. Never thought we had to do it. Urgh. Maths=Drawing=construction=Last thing to do=waste of time. Where the hell am i gonna use all those drawing anyway. English...only 2 reviews done. Stupid com cant load the dang template from edulearn. XXXXX you.

Hahas. I tried to call Mitty and ask her about what to bring but said she also doesn't know. -.- Stupid ppl nvr even put on the site. I lost the form but its not on the form anyway. *bangs head* i really don't know what im gonna do next year/ Mitty said our form teacher is the super strict old lady that doesn't give more than 18 for compos. S**** Im gonna die next year. 18/30= 60%=B4= Die. How the hell can i survive next year. I want ms chuaaaaa!!! Shes the best eng/lit teacher ever!!!!

Hahas. But i shall look on the bright side and stay positive throughout this time! View it as a challenge not a hinderance! And Jia You!

See ya on Monday~

about me



CCA:Science clubRed Cross~

Lives:On earth



Books by Malcom rose and Darren Shan


Hanging out with my friends

Creating random crap with Priya and belle

Being a Red Cross-er
List of Wishes

My own laptop/Computer

Get a new wallet

0-Find someone that understands me in SMSS-0

O-Find sum1 like priya and belle-O

Get Good results for EOY

To finish all my homework

To be sucessful in: Grades, Red Cross,Keeping old friends, Making new ones
Stardust Trail

ur tagboard code here..

The Little Stars

Alice Evangelyn
Insane Sixes
Japanese Pop/Anime Sheet music
Music sheets
The Pianocian
now playing

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
September 2010


purpleandblue2 @ blogskins.com
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