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Friday, September 24, 2010
~ 9:06 PM ~
1 week left~~~

Yup, so this is the last and final week before the exams start. First paper: Chinese -.- ugh. why must Chinese be the first paper??? Its like they really want us to die before we take the rest of the papers. Honestly, the only paper i can safely say that I'm prepared for is maths. *Sigh*. Planned to do all my homework but i didn't even touch it. Plus i left my science work under the table. =.= and to think i was like remember to take it 1 min before i left the class. Never mind. I completed most of it though. I guess i finish it up before school starts on Monday.

Then there's still home econs and art to think about. I really got to get those extra marks in art. With both my pieces being :/ i gotta to well for this last piece and try to score as much as possible. at least an A2. Home econs....with the way our practical went today.... i hope that everything else will pull my marks up to an A1.

Gah!! I really need to push myself to study as hard as possible. I gotta get those sweet sweet marks. English and Chinese here i come! I guess that soon I'll get off and try to accomplish something. =D i hope. I guess I'll take kakashi's advise and do as much of maths as possible to kick start that motivation to study.

Hmm... i guess now I'll do my best to chase my goals and dreams. Btw hinata, you are extremely disciplined and hardworking and you WILL do well for your exams! You just gotta believe in yourself!

yups good luck to every one for EOYs~ ^^

Saturday, September 18, 2010
~ 11:02 PM ~

Yup the exams are just around the corner and i don't have the will power to study for it! =( its like all the resolutions that i made to study harder and work at it have all vanished. Now I'm struggling to open that book and just look through it. Forget about study it. And stress is seeming to affect everyone but me. maybe I'm just being too stubborn and refusing to admit that I'm stressed... I just feel too unmotivated for my own good. Yup. I gotta maintain my maths and science grades if i want to get into 3/6 next year but I'm scared cause my humanities isn't exactly the best subject and i don't want to do badly in it =(. But then again there's Chinese and it'll always be a problem for me.

Gah! I don't wanna think about Sec 3 now!! I should really be focusing on getting sweet marks for EOY and then thinking of next year. Yup! I'm gonna try my best to study and remain motivated to study until EOY is over and hopefully I'll manage to hit that 50% for Chinese! I just wanna pass the subject.

Then there's EOY/POP camp. Somehow I'm both looking forward and not looking forward to it. Looking forward because I'll be really fun and exciting. Heard that it'll be more of a retreat this year but the best camp so far: MYE 2009. Ha ha i know most people will be like WTF! That was a bloody difficult camp but honestly speaking, it was the best. XD The reason I'm not looking forward...well that's for me to know XD

I'm kind of glad that There was CCA suspension on Friday. Gave me time to catch up on homework and do some stuff that i had previously given up on. ^^ But i don't feel very accomplished. I feel more like I've done nothing at all. But i guess from now on it'll just be pushing on for EOY.

Good Luck to All ^^

Saturday, September 11, 2010
~ 8:51 PM ~


Urgh! So much work to do, 1 day left to complete it. i guess i'll try and pull an all nighter so that i can finish everything by today. yupps all that i have left is maths PT and chinese compre and letter to complete. =D Yupp i can definately finish everything by tonight if i put my mind to it!

Haha i guess that this holiday has taught me a lot of stuff and i'm definately gonna use whatever i've learnt! Haha made a few realisations as well and we really are a very close knit society. Haha!

Is everything really out there just as it is? Its funny to think of how predictable humans really are and how even though we think that our problems are great, they are so insignificant that they just dissapear with us into the wind....But i guess that life. Meant to be lived and not merely lived.....

Thursday, September 9, 2010
~ 9:18 PM ~


Hmm....day 6 of the holidays and all my major assignments are still left untouched. Urgh. I have all the infomation i need but i guess that i can't bring myself to just assemble it nice and pretty. Coming to think of it, all my juniors are complaining about the amount of homework they have all all the seniors are saying that sec 1 is a piece of cake compared to the rest of the secondary years but i gotta agree with my juniors, sec 1 was more stressful. Probably because i was motivated to study in sec 1 but i've really just given up in sec 2. haha i guess that's my problem, i give up too easily....

Gah!!! The stupid Ih BMA is killing me!!! 16 pages worth of information and i'm still not even half way done yet! OMFG! Haha but the good part is that i'll cause someone a long and sleepless night dealing with my project. XD

Other than a few disturbing incidences and one that i feel like stabbing my head into a wall about. But i guess thats what challenges are for. To rise us up to the challenge and make us realise that we aren't the only ones. I guess that i have found my addiction and i guess that its the most challenging addiction that i've had to deal with but i'm still loving every minute of it =D

Good Luck to everyone with their exams XD


Tuesday, September 7, 2010
~ 2:28 PM ~


I'm thinking of switching to tumblr after hearing much about it from yue ning. Yup, so i've not started creating it but eventually i will. Don't worry, i'll put the new address up for a while and once i'm satisfied that you people have gotten it, i'll shut down blogger. ^^

Nothing much has happened since i last blogged. Just the usual trying to get myself to study but failing at it. I have about 3 weeks before my chinese exam. yupp just 21 more days. *sigh* I really want to pass chinese this time but can i really do it within such a short period of time?

Monday, September 6, 2010
~ 4:02 PM ~



Haha yupps we got 3rd! awesome right. Haha We're awesome ^^

But the competition wasn't all fun i guess. I finished almost all my holiday homework there =P Hmm when school re-opens i guess i have a lot to work on especially chinese! OMG!!! i need to pass it at the very least. Haha the rest of my subjects are still in the good range. Only art was the other dissapointing factor. haha after calculating my overall for all my other subjects, i guess i've gotten an A for most of them only art and chinese aren't in there -.-

But i guess its not only the competitiors that took back something from the competition. After all the drama on saturday, i guess i feel more movitated to work with post-its. They've made uite a few people happy so why not extend their reach? I guess now i have to send out a lot of explainatory emails cause the holidays mean i don't have to see people. ^^

Ok yupps i guess from now on its going to be that "Bring it on" me from now on. But getting myself motivated to study is the hard part. *Sigh* I guess i'm off to do all that typing...


Friday, September 3, 2010
~ 9:58 PM ~

I was too happy for my own good! Can't stop feeling happy!~~~~ Haha but then again every good thing must come to an end so lets start with today because i can't be bothered to write about the entire week. Thank Lakeisha and Annabelle for that! Haha by extorting a hig from both of them, you get a super high me!~^^

Yupp so went to class feeling super happy and super high. Went down with maisie to find her senior and give all of my seniors some good luck notes XD hope they all like them XP then went for assembly, the usual class where we forced our poor new LAP teacher to play '10 things i hate about you' until SCHOOL ended XDD

Then went off to meet Annabelle for lunch. (Don't feel bad about Ms K!) Haha had an awesome time with her for lunch and i think we freaked brenda out with all the sick TH pics and our insane and hysterical laughter! Sorry Bren! For a change she had to rush off for CCA earlier than me XDD. LOL she still can't believe that i manage to slip notes under her desk every week XD

Haha then during CCA, all the hyperness started to fade bit by bit. T.T in the end i didn't feel like giving the notes to anyone but i guess i just had to swallow that fear and do it anyway. Gah. I want to go back to that state of happiness again TTT.TTT i miss it so much
Haha but then after CCA i saw lakeisha and gave her her note as well =D haha. which brings my grand total of notes given out today to a grand total of 23 XDDDD

Have a nice day everyone XD~~~~

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
~ 2:33 PM ~


Its teachers day so there's no school! ^^ Haha i can sleep in and then study a bit. Ok, cancel the studying cause i can't be bithered to look at my books let alone touch them. SO this is my last week in school before the holidays start and looking back, i don't think that i've made the best of my time and i guess ther's a lot i need to improve on.

After getting mostly what i needed to get out i guess things have gotten well, better and worse. I guess that maybe speaking up isn't such a good thing after all..... especially when it land you into trouble. But never mind that haha teacher's day in school was awesome. Haha had so much fun with belle, angie, HW, LF and kimmy XDD

Haha had so much fun yesterday! Thanks guys!


about me



CCA:Science clubRed Cross~

Lives:On earth



Books by Malcom rose and Darren Shan


Hanging out with my friends

Creating random crap with Priya and belle

Being a Red Cross-er
List of Wishes

My own laptop/Computer

Get a new wallet

0-Find someone that understands me in SMSS-0

O-Find sum1 like priya and belle-O

Get Good results for EOY

To finish all my homework

To be sucessful in: Grades, Red Cross,Keeping old friends, Making new ones
Stardust Trail

ur tagboard code here..

The Little Stars

Alice Evangelyn
Insane Sixes
Japanese Pop/Anime Sheet music
Music sheets
The Pianocian
now playing

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
September 2010


purpleandblue2 @ blogskins.com
ladyvictoire-brushes @ deviantart.com